Friday, 2 January 2009

No Years Resolutions

Another year on the Calender flips by, and once again its the time where everyone makes promises which they subsequently fail to keep....I will be healthier....I will go to the gym....I will give up smoking. Year on year, people stick to this ritual of making promises just because its the beginning of a new start...etcetera etcetera...I have never really made resolutions, but if i have, ive never kept them. I just simply fail to see the point in it all, why be forced into making a resolution, just because its a new year. If you want to give up smoking, to go to the gym, whatever, do it when you want to, not just because the calender dictates its time for a fresh start. So this year i shall make no the words of Paul Dano in Little Miss Sunshine "Do what you love...Fuck the Rest."

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