20. Son of Rambow - Wonderfully sweet and touching film, about two friends w
19. Funny Games- Two friends intrude upon a young familys holiday home and terrorise the family. Dark satire which plays around with the conventions of the Hollywood thriller genre.
18. Diary of the Dead- Romero on top form. A group of students filming a horror movie, try to escape when the dead really start to rise, documentary style footage give it a gritty edge.
17. Charlie Wilson's War- Not a great film, simply made the list at number 17 because of Phillip Seymour Hoffman's performance. He is truly outstanding as CIA agent Gust. Cannot take your eyes off him for a second.
16. Lars and the Real Girl- Completely different take on romanc
15.Gone baby, Gone- Four year old girl dissapears, and detectives Patrick Kenzie (Casey Affleck) and Angie Gennaro (Michelle Monaghan) are called in by the childs aunt and uncle. Beautifully crafted, haunting thriller with a highly thought provoking ending.
14. Wanted- After the success of Daywatch and Nightwatch, Bekmambetov again shows his prowess in the action/thriller genre. Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy) is brought out of his dull, boring life by super-assassin Fox (Angelina Jolie) who opens up his world.
13. The Savages- Anything with Laura Linney and Phillip Seymour Hoffman in, is going to be a hit with me, and this is no exception. Brother and sister Wendy and Jon
12. [.Rec]- Spanish horror. When a tv crew are following firemen, things take a turn for the worst, as they become trapped in a building with no way out. Again employs the hand-held camera to terrifying effect.
11. Burn After Reading- Second offering of 2008 from the brothers Coen, and kept up the high standard of No Country for Old Men. Very dark comedy, great performances, an all round treat.
10. Juno- The breakout indie hit of the summer. Great soundtrack, great cast, great performances. Heartwarming and endearing.
9. Wall-E- Pixar's best movie, even surpasses both Toy Storys. The animation is perfect, who would have thought a movie about a metallic box with long periods of silence could be such a success. But it works beautifully, the first half an hour is wonderful.
8. The Orphanage- Powerful, and terrifying psychological horror. A movie that will stay with you a long time after the credits have rolled.
7. The Mist- Often overlooked film, that had the best ending of any film in 2008, bar none.
6. In the Valley of Elah- Human look at the Iraq conflict. After his son goes missing, Hank Deerfield (Tommy Lee Jones) sets off to find his boy. Hugely powerful and moving perfomance from TLJ.
5. Changeling- Beautifully crafted story of revealing L.A.P.D corruption. Jolie has never been better.
4. The Dark
3.No Country for Old Men- Saw the Coen's return to form after a couple of bleak offerings. Dark thriller, has there ever been a scarier villian than Javier Bardems, Anton Sugar
2. Waltz with Bashir- Gritty animation, about a mans journey to recollect his memories of the Israel, Palestine conflict. Powerful and affecting despite the fact that it is animated. Haunting, and truly memorable.
1. There Will Be Blood- Cinema at its finest. Beautifully crafted, cinematography is wonderful. Daniel Day Lewis at his brilliant best.
There were a few films missed off this list, which I have not got to see yet, and I think would have troubled the list, if I had.
4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days
Things we lost in the fire
The diving bell and the butterfly
Man on Wire
My Winnipeg
The Baader Meinhoff Complex
Overall 2008 has been a pretty fine year for Cinema, and 2009 looks set to be even better, i will be blogging on my most anticipated films of 2009 soon.
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