So what managed to change Kaka's mind? It couldnt be the £500,000 a-week-wages that are being talked about could it? Surely its all down to Man Citys ambition as a club?... hmm yeah right.
If Kaka does sign for Man City it will be a travesty for our great league. Though we want all the best players in the world playing in the Premiership, i'd rather not have a player playing in the league purely for the money aspect, rather than actually wanting to play purely for love of the game.
Its a sad day, when players choose what team or league to play in because of the amounts of silly cash being thrown about. The league is now dictated by greed, and selfishness, and its sickening to see.
I hope Kaka does the right thing and stays at Milan, not because i don't want to see him play in England, i would love one day to see him play here, however it has to be for the right reasons, and any player who now signs for Man City is not signing for the right reasons.
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