Saturday 3 January 2009

Vive la Revolution

The Cuban revolution started just over 50 years ago, i was not even born so i cannot express how i felt at the time. But ive studied Cuba in the one-sided manner of British school history lessons...i.e america is great, nothing it does is wrong, communism is evil...blah blah blah! Lately ive looked into the revolution a lot deeper, and though Cuba still has many problems, it does have a wonderful education system and a good medical system aswell. Looking back at the start of the revolution, it is hard not to fall in love with the ideals of those bearded fellows who brought the revolution to Cuba. Of course Che Guevara still remains the symbol and the icon of revolution many years on, for those throughout the world who want to embrace revolution. His were romantic ideas formed from years of travelling through South America as a young doctor, seeing evil, and the rich get richer, and poor get poorer. The appeal of communism is alluring, and Che lived and died a true revolutionary, trying to spread the ideas to Bolivia before the rest of Latin America. I have true respect for what Che tried to achieve during his lifetime, and find him a truly inspirational figure. Though Cuba is still a place stricken by poverty and destitution, the ideas of the revolution remain strongly alive.

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