Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Apparently the relief effort in Haiti is officially over...I was under the impression that something had to actually have started in the first place to be declared over.

The response from the western world and rich nations was uncoordinated, disorganised and far too late for the people of this already suffering nation.

Think how many lives could have been saved if there were standard procedures in place to deal with this kind of crisis in the third world.

If the disaster was in Britain we would have been outraged at how slow the response had been, but as it is a third world country they do not get a say in these things.

On saying that, I suppose we should not have expected anything else. After all, America could not even deal with a crisis within its own borders, which affected its own people (Katrina), so why would the response be any better for a poor impoverished nation cut off from the rich west.

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