It has emerged this week, that the number one kids toy for this Christmas (a.k.a the stuff of parents nightmares, when rushing around last minute trying to get hold of one); the go-go hamster has a potential health risk. Our furry little friend has a potentially high amount of toxic chemicals, which can be linked to cancer. This again brings up the question for me...Why not get a real one? These toy hamsters are £9.99 a pop, plus the seemingly infinite range of toys and accessories you can purchase to go with it. My real hamster was free when I bought the cage (around £17), obviously you have the food/bedding/sawdust, but I imagine his longevity (despite him being just over 2) to be a lot longer than the go-go toy, which will probably fall the way of all the other christmas toy favourites, played with for a few weeks, then discarded as some new trend comes along. My real hamster does not pose any health risks to me, and he is not that high maintenance either. So parents/children why waste your money on the toy, when you can have the real thing which will give you a lot more joy in the long run, and will not pose any threat to your wellbeing...Well at least until it's time for him to pass into hamster heaven.
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