Sunday, 29 March 2009

Earth Hour

Blacked out for Earth Hour last night...good to see quite a lot of people getting involved in this.

Pure Reason Revolution- 'Amor Vincit Omnia'

‘Amor Vincit Omnia’- Love Conquers All- is the second release from the hugely talented Pure Reason Revolution. Fans of their first album ‘The Dark Third’ may struggle to recognise the band, as the sound is vastly different from their prog-rock debut.

‘Amor Vincit Omnia’ is light on guitar and extremely heavy on electronic sound. It contains hypnotic melodies and harmonies in abundance. The album is beautifully crafted, every song is layered and meticulously put together, with elements and themes repeated throughout, resulting in an extremely cohesive work.

The change in direction is clear from the outset with the electro-pop opener ‘Les Malheurs’, it’s nothing original, but is a solid track and the album really picks up after this. ‘Apogee/Requiem for the Lovers’ is one of the highlights, showcasing the bands talent for creating haunting melodies; it ends with a beautiful a cappella section. Though the guitar is absent for large chunks of the album, the best tracks like ‘Deus ex Machina’ mix the older guitar riffs with the newer experimental sound. The low point of the album is ‘Disconnect’, which really stands out from the darker moodier work that goes before and after it. ‘The Gloaming’, is an epic track, clocking in at over 9 minutes, it’s beautifully layered and unites the bands prog-past with their experimental present. ‘AVO’ ends the album on a triumphant high, it starts with a beautiful piano hook, and builds to the band repeatedly chanting Amor Vincit Omnia, its haunting, and stays with you for a long time after you’ve heard it.

This album is not ‘The Dark Third’, this is Pure Reason Revolution evolving and growing, sure they may shed some fans with their change in direction, but they are equally likely to gain more with this new sound. It’s a beautifully put together album and one that benefits from listening from beginning to end.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Pimp My Mower

It emerged today that Leicestershire council have fitted their lawnmowers with sat nav which helps their gardeners find where the grass is too long...Im sorry but have they lost the ability to actually go and check themselves...ridiculous, waste of money.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Can the Coen Brothers Do No Wrong?

Coens have made a short advertisement about the myth of clean coal...brilliant.

Spirit of Fight Club Alive

With this prank it appears there are still some people out there (thankfully) who are willing to make a stand against corporate capitalism, greed and corruption.